
The Status page provides information, status, and message statistics about the POA to help you assess its current functioning.

Up Time

Displays the length of time the POA has been running.

If the NetWare POA is running in a protected address space, the name of the protected address space appears in the Up Time heading.

C/S Users

Displays the number of GroupWise® client users who are connected to the post office using client/server connections. These could be Windows clients or Cross-Platform clients.

Click C/S Users to display a list of users along with information about each user. Click the number of users to display a condensed list of user IDs.

Remote/Caching Users

Displays the number of GroupWise client users who are accessing the post office from Remote or Caching mailboxes. These could be Windows clients or Cross-Platform clients.

Click Remote/Caching Users to display a list of users along with information about each user. Click the number of users to display a condensed list of user IDs.

Application Connections

Displays the current number of active application ("virtual") TCP/IP connections between the POA and GroupWise clients (Windows or Cross-Platform). Each GroupWise user uses one application connection when he or she starts GroupWise. Depending on what activities the user is doing in the GroupWise client, additional application connections are used. For example, the GroupWise Address Book and GroupWise Notify will use individual application connections.

You can increase the maximum number of application connections in ConsoleOne® (POA object > GroupWise tab > Agent Settings page > Max App Connections field). The default maximum number of application connections is 2048. This is an appropriate setting for a post office of about 500 users, so that each user is assured of having at least four application connections available while using the GroupWise client.

Physical Connections

Displays the current number of active physical TCP/IP connections between the POA and GroupWise clients (Windows or Cross-Platform). Each GroupWise user could have zero or multiple active physical connections. One physical connection can accommodate multiple application connections. Inactive physical connections periodically time out and are then closed by the clients and the POA.

You can increase the maximum number of physical connections ConsoleOne (POA object > GroupWise tab > Agent Settings page > Max Physical Connections field). The default maximum number of physical connections is 1024.

IMAP Sessions / IMAP SSL Sessions

Displays the current number of active sessions between the POA and IMAP e-mail clients.

By default, the POA can start as many as 99 IMAP threads. Each IMAP thread can service multiple IMAP e-mail clients.

CAP Sessions / CAP SSL Sessions

Displays the current number of active sessions between the POA and CAP clients.

By default, the POA can start as many as 99 CAP threads. Each CAP thread can service multiple CAP clients.

SOAP Sessions / SOAP SSL Sessions

Displays the current number of active sessions between the POA and SOAP clients.

By default, the POA starts 3 SOAP threads. Each SOAP thread can service multiple SOAP clients. Additional threads are started as needed.

Priority Queues / Normal Queues

Displays the number of messages waiting for delivery in the POA input queue (post_office_directory\wpcsout\ofs).

Click Priority Queues or Normal Queues to display the priority 0-7 subdirectories of the POA input queue. Queues 0-1 are considered priority queues; queues 2-7 are considered normal queues.

If the message queues are heavily backlogged, CPU utilization is probably high as well. You can use the Message Handler Threads link on the Configuration page to increase the number of message handler threads for the current POA session. However, starting more message handler threads could take resources away from the client/server handler threads and result in slower performance for GroupWise client users, especially when CPU utilization is high. In addition, some message files must be processed in order, so that starting additional threads does not cause them to be processed faster.

You can increase the standard number of message handler threads in ConsoleOne (POA object > GroupWise tab > Agent Settings page > Message Handler Threads field). The default is 6; valid values range from 1 to 30. The default of 6 is appropriate for most systems and typically does not need to be changed.

GWCheck Auto Queues / GWCheck Scheduled Queues

Displays the number of administrative requests and rebuild requests that are waiting for processing in the POA GWCheck queue (post_office_directory\wpcsout\chk). The GWCheck queue is used for requests for mailbox/library maintenance processing by the POA.

Click GWCheck Auto Queues or GWCheck Scheduled Queues to display the priority 0-3 subdirectories of the POA GWCheck queue.

If requests are backlogged, you can use the Maximum GWCheck Handler Threads link on the Configuration page to increase the number of GWCheck threads for the current POA session.

You can increase the standard number of GWCheck threads in ConsoleOne (POA object > GroupWise tab > Maintenance page > Maintenance Handler Threads field). The default is 4; valid values range from 1 to 8.

Thread Status

C/S Handler Threads

Displays the maximum number of client/server handler threads the POA can start and how many are currently busy. C/S handler threads service client/server requests from GroupWise users.

Click C/S Handler Threads to list the threads, their workload, and status.

To increase the number of C/S handler threads for the current POA session, use the Client/Server Processing Threads link on the Configuration page.

You can increase the standard number of C/S handler threads in ConsoleOne (POA object > GroupWise tab > Agent Settings page > TCP Handler Threads). The default is 6; valid values range from 1 to 99.

To handle occasional heavy client activity when there are pending client/server requests but CPU utilization is still below the configured threshold, the POA automatically starts additional C/S handler threads above the number configured in ConsoleOne to handle the workload. When the workload returns to normal, the C/S handler threads return to the number configured in ConsoleOne.

Message Worker Threads

Displays the maximum number of message worker threads the POA can start and how many are currently busy. Message worker threads process message files, delivering messages to users' mailboxes.

Click Message Worker Threads to list the threads, their workload, and status.

To increase the number of message worker threads that the POA can start for the current POA session, use the Message File Processing Threads link on the Configuration page.

You can increase the standard number of message worker threads start in ConsoleOne (POA object > GroupWise tab > Agent Settings page > Message Handler Threads field).The default is 6; valid values range from 1 to 30.

GWCheck Worker Threads

Displays the maximum number of GWCheck worker threads the POA can start and how many are currently busy. GWCheck worker threads perform mailbox/library maintenance.

Click GWCheck Worker Threads to list the threads, their workload, and status.

To increase the number of GWCheck worker threads for the current POA session, use the Maximum GWCheck Processing Threads link on the Configuration page.

You can increase the standard number of GWCheck worker threads in ConsoleOne (POA object > GroupWise tab > Maintenance page > Maintenance Handler Threads field). The default is 4; valid values range from 1 to 8.

IMAP Threads / IMAP SSL Threads

Displays the number of IMAP threads the POA has started and how many are currently busy, if the POA is configured for IMAP. IMAP threads service requests from IMAP e-mail clients. IMAP SSL threads are required if the IMAP e-mail clients require SSL.

Click IMAP Threads or IMAP SSL Threads to list the threads, their workload, and status.

By default, the POA can start as many as 99 IMAP threads. Each IMAP thread can service multiple IMAP e-mail clients, so the default is appropriate for typical systems.

You can configure IMAP threads for SSL in ConsoleOne in ConsoleOne (POA object > GroupWise tab > Network Address page).

CAP Threads / CAP SSL Threads

Displays the number of CAP threads the POA has started and how many are currently busy, if the POA is configured for CAP. CAP threads service requests from CAP clients. CAP SSL threads are required if the CAP clients require SSL.

Click CAP Threads or CAP SSL Threads to list the threads, their workload, and status.

By default, the POA can start as many as 99 CAP threads. Each CAP thread can service multiple CAP clients, so the default is appropriate for typical systems.

You can configure CAP threads for SSL by using the /capssl switch in the POA startup file.

SOAP Threads

Displays the number of SOAP threads the POA has started and how many are currently busy, if the POA is configured for SOAP. SOAP threads service requests from SOAP clients.

Click SOAP Threads to list the threads, their workload, and status.

By default, the POA starts 3 SOAP threads. Each SOAP thread can service multiple SOAP clients. Additional SOAP threads are started as needed.

You can configure SOAP threads for SSL in ConsoleOne (POA object > GroupWise tab > Network Address page). Unlike other protocols, SOAP uses the same port regardless of whether SSL is in use. Therefore, you cannot configure the POA to accept both SSL and non-SSL connections simultaneously as you can for the other protocols.

Message Transfer Status

Displays the status of the link between the POA and the MTA that services the domain the post office belongs to.

Open: The POA can transfer messages to and from the MTA.

Closed: The POA cannot transfer messages to the MTA. For assistance with closed post offices, see Troubleshooting 2: Solutions to Common Problems.

Unavailable: The POA is not yet configured for TCP/IP communication with the MTA. You can configure TCP/IP links in ConsoleOne (POA object > GroupWise tab > Network Address page and Tools > GroupWise Utilities > Link Configuration).

Unknown: The POA is unable to contact the MTA in any way.

Click Message Transfer Status for additional details about the link between the POA and the MTA.


Statistics are gathered for the current POA session. When the POA restarts, statistics gathering begins again.

C/S Requests

Displays the number of active client/server requests between the POA and GroupWise clients (Windows or Cross-Platform).

C/S Requests Pending

Displays the number of client/server requests from GroupWise clients that the POA is currently unable to respond to. Pending requests mean that some GroupWise users cannot access their mailboxes immediately or that response time is sluggish for users.

Click C/S Requests Pending for a list of times when the POA has had client/server requests pending over the last 24-hour period.

Users Timed Out

Displays the number of GroupWise clients with client/server connections that are no longer communicating with the POA. These could be Windows clients or Cross-Platform clients.

Having users timed out does not indicate a problem with the POA. Users who have timed out are users for which the POA has closed the connection because the GroupWise client was no longer communicating. Timed-out users might not be exiting GroupWise normally or might be having other problems with their workstations. The number of timed-out users might tend to increase on a daily basis during the hour after users leave to go home. This is not a problem.

IMAP Client Requests / IMAP SSL Client Requests

Displays the number of active requests between IMAP e-mail clients and the POA if the POA is configured for IMAP.

If the IMAP e-mail clients require SSL, you can configure IMAP threads for SSL in ConsoleOne in ConsoleOne (POA object > GroupWise tab > Network Address page).

IMAP Pending Requests / IMAP SSL Pending Requests

Displays the number of requests from IMAP e-mail clients that the POA is currently unable to respond to. Pending requests mean that some IMAP e-mail users cannot access their mailboxes or that response time is sluggish for users.

You can increase the number of IMAP threads in ConsoleOne (POA object > GroupWise tab > Agent Settings page > Maximum IMAP Threads field). The default is 99.

CAP Client Requests / CAP SSL Client Requests

Displays the number of active requests between CAP clients and the POA if the POA is configured for CAP.

If the CAP clients require SSL, you can configure CAP threads for SSL by using the /capssl switch in the POA startup file.

CAP Pending Requests / CAP SSL Pending Requests

Displays the number of requests from CAP clients that the POA is currently unable to respond to. Pending requests mean that some CAP users cannot access their mailboxes or that response time is sluggish for users.

You can increase the number of CAP threads by using the /capmaxthreads switch in the POA startup file. The default is 99.

SOAP Requests

Displays the number of active requests between SOAP clients and the POA if the POA is configured for SOAP.

If the SOAP clients require SSL, you can configure SOAP threads for SSL in ConsoleOne in ConsoleOne (POA object > GroupWise tab > Network Address page).

SOAP Pending Requests

Displays the number of requests from SOAP clients that the POA is currently unable to respond to. Pending requests mean that some SOAP client users cannot access their mailboxes or that response time is sluggish for users.

The POA automatically starts new SOAP threads as needed, until the configured maximum is reached. You can adjust the maximum number of SOAP threads in ConsoleOne (POA object > GroupWise tab > Agent Settings page > Maximum SOAP Threads field). The default is 99.

Rules Executed

Displays the number of users' rules executed by the POA.

Users Delivered

Displays the number of messages delivered to recipient users in the post office. A message with six recipient users in the post office is counted six times because six users had the message delivered to them.

Message Files Processed

Displays the total number of messages processed by the POA. This includes e-mail messages and other GroupWise items, status notifications, and administrative service requests processed by the POA.

Messages Undelivered

Displays the number of messages that could not be delivered because the user was not found in that post office or because of similar problems. Senders of undeliverable messages are notified.

Problem Messages

Displays the number of invalid message files that have problems not related to user error. It also displays requests the POA cannot process because of error conditions. For assistance with problem messages, see Troubleshooting 2: Solutions to Common Problems.

Users Deleted

Displays the number of GroupWise user accounts that the POA has deleted.

System Deferred Messages (for diagnostics only)

Displays the number of messages that the POA will deliver at a later time. For example, a message would need to be deferred if the recipient's message database was being repaired.

Statuses Processed

Displays the number of status notifications that the POA has delivered.

Click Statuses Processed to display an itemized list by status type.

Databases Recovered

Displays the number of databases that the POA has recovered. When database damage is detected, the POA can repair the post office database, user databases, and message databases.

GWCheck Messages Processed

Displays the number of GWCheck (mailbox/library maintenance) requests that the POA has received from scheduled mailbox/library maintenance events and from a GroupWise administrator in ConsoleOne.

GWCheck Problem Messages

Displays the number of GWCheck (mailbox/library maintenance) requests that the POA was unable to process successfully. Look in the POA log file on the Log Files page for more information about the problem.

Caching Requests

Displays the number of times GroupWise clients running in Caching mode have requested to download messages into Caching mailboxes. These could be Windows clients or Cross-Platform clients.

Caching Primings

Displays the number of times GroupWise clients have needed to download entire mailboxes when Caching mode is first selected by client users.

Rejected Caching Requests

Displays the number of caching requests that the POA was too busy to respond to successfully. Rejected caching requests are retried until they are successful. The number of rejected caching requests helps you fine tune the number of C/S handler threads the POA should be configured to use.

Click Rejected Caching Requests to display a 24-hour history of rejected requests.

Rejected Caching Primings

Displays the number of priming requests that the POA was too busy to respond to successfully. Rejected caching primings mean that some GroupWise users have been unable to change over to Caching mode immediately. The GroupWise client will retry the priming at a later time.

Click Rejected Caching Primings to display a 24-hour history of rejected caching primings.

If CPU utilization has not exceed its configured threshold, you can increase the percentage of C/S handler threads available to perform primings for the current POA session. Click Maximum C/S Thread Usage for Cache Priming and Live Moves on the Configuration page.

Intruder Detection

Displays the number of intruder lockouts. Click Intruder Detection to list locked-out users. If the POA Web console is password protected, click a user to reset the lockout. If the POA Web console is not password protected, you must use ConsoleOne to reset the lockout (User object > GroupWise tab > Account page > deselect Disable Logins).

Protected Address Space Restart Count (NetWare Only)

Displays the number of times the address space where the NetWare POA runs has been restarted. The name of the protected address space is listed in the Up Time heading.

Available Disk Space

Displays the amount of available disk space in the post office in megabytes and as a percentage.

To ensure that a specified amount of disk space is always available in the post office, you can schedule a disk check event in ConsoleOne (POA object > GroupWise tab > Scheduled Events page).

Scheduled Events Status

Indicates whether or not the POA is currently performing any scheduled events. Idle status means that no scheduled events are running. Running status means that means that the POA is currently performing one or more scheduled events.


Click QuickFinder to display the Scheduled Events page where QuickFinder indexing events are listed.

Database Maintenance

Click Database Maintenance to display the section of the Configuration page where disk check and database maintenance events are listed.

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